The disinfectant combination scheme used in the grade A area is the strategy of using sterile and non-residual disinfectants, and alcohols are generally selected. Such as 75% alcohol, IPA or complex alcohol. It is mainly used for disinfection of hands and gloves of operators, clearance of the site, and disinfection before and after operation (in accordance with the written regulations of each enterprise).
In cleaning and disinfection (1) and cleaning and disinfection (2), it is introduced that alcohols are inefficient disinfectants, and spores cannot be killed. Therefore, for grade A disinfection, alcohol disinfectants cannot be relied on alone, so efficient disinfectants should be used, usually sporicide or hydrogen peroxide fumigation. Hydrogen peroxide fumigation is corrosive and cannot be used regularly, so the most effective is the use of sporicides. It should be noted that some sporicides may have residues, such as peracetic acid/silver ions, etc., which need to be removed after use, while some sporicides, such as pure hydrogen peroxide sporicides, have no residues after use. Pure hydrogen peroxide sporicide is the only type of sporicide that is nonresidual and does not require residue removal after use, according to the American Injectable Association PDA TR70.
Class B district disinfectant combination scheme
The combination scheme of Class B area disinfectants is given below, one is higher for residue requirements, and the other is lower for residue requirements. For those with relatively high residue requirements, the disinfectant combination is basically the same as the disinfectant combination of grade A. Another option is to use a combination of alcohols, quaternary ammonium salts, and sporicides.
At present, the residue of quaternary ammonium salt disinfectants is relatively low, which can meet the requirements of Class B zone, and the residue removal operation can be carried out after use. Quaternary ammonium salts are generally concentrated liquids that need to be prepared and then filtered into the B zone for use after sterilization. It is generally used for disinfection of the surface of equipment, equipment that is not in direct contact with the product, plant facilities, etc. If there are some other operations in the Class B area, then the disinfection of hands, equipment, etc., is still alcohol-based.
The author once encountered a problem when using quaternary ammonium salt, because gloves are inevitably in contact with quaternary ammonium salt during use, and found that some will feel sticky, while some do not, so we can consult the manufacturer or do experiments to see if there are relevant problems.
Here we see the rotation of the two quaternary ammonium salts given in the current table, and the detailed introduction of the rotation is given in the PDA TR70, you can also refer to
C/D grade district disinfectant combination scheme
C/D disinfectant combination scheme and B zone combination type, using alcohol + quaternary ammonium salt + sporicide, C/D disinfectant can be used without sterilization filtration, the specific frequency of use can be carried out according to their respective written procedures.
In addition to wiping, scrubbing and spraying with these disinfectants, regular fumigation as appropriate, such as VHP fumigation:
Hydrogen peroxide Space Disinfection Technology (1)
Hydrogen peroxide Space Disinfection Technology (2)
Hydrogen peroxide Space Disinfection Technology (3)
Through a variety of combination of disinfectants and a variety of disinfectant technical means to jointly achieve the purpose of disinfection, in addition to cleaning and disinfection according to written requirements, should also develop the corresponding environmental monitoring procedures, regularly reviewed, continue to maintain a stable clean area environment.
Post time: Jul-22-2024